Marine Compass Adjusters


Marine Compass Adjusters blend the most advanced technology with time proven traditional knowledge.


Marine Compass Adjusters understand the nature of yacht etiquette and formalities.


Marine Compass Adjusters will pad all equipment to prevent damage to your vessel.


Marine Compass Adjusters will provide tutelage and information to the crew while making compass adjustments.

Recently Serviced Yachts and Cruise Ships

Motor Yacht Luna

Motor Yacht Luna

Motor Yacht Seaowl

Motor Yacht Seaowl

Motor Yacht Avanti

Motor Yacht Avanti

Motor Yacht Podium

Motor Yacht Podium

Motor Yacht Broadwater

Motor Yacht Broadwater

Cruise Ship NCL Sky

Cruise Ship Norwegian Sky

Contact Marine Compass Adjusters

Servicing Yachts and Ships Worldwide
Walter W Rowan
+1 954 552 8176

All adjustments require me to visit to your vessel where we go out “for a boat ride.”  I will try my best to accommodate your schedule.